Search results for: Companionship, Sydney NSW 2000

152 results - showing 20 per page

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Braidwood Mens Shed

A place for men to met and develop new friendships while working on individual or community hobbies and projects. An opportunity to learn new skills or improve old ones....

0450 961 039

69b Cowper St
Braidwood, NSW, 2622

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 196 km

Orange Mens Shed

A place for men to meet and make new friendships, participate in activities such as woodworking, metalworking and gardening. Training sessions are run to improve and...

0475 250 779

`Mitchell Highway, Orange City Council
Lucknow, NSW, 2800

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 195 km

Moruya Community Shed

A place for people to meet and establish new friendships while working on community and personal activities and projects. An opportunity to improve on old skills and...

0431 067 773 (Vince)

Bergalia St
Moruya, NSW, 2537

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 216 km

Taree Manning River Men's Shed Inc.

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

02 6550 1568

22 Rifle Range Rd
Taree, NSW, 2430

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 215 km

Molong Mens Shed

A meeting place for men to develop new friendships while working on individual or community hobbies and activities. An opportunity to learn new skills or improve old...

0400 093 572, 1300 550 009

114 Bank St
Molong, NSW, 2866

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 228 km

Yass Valley Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

0439 931 579

1428 Yass Valley Way
Yass, NSW, 2582

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 231 km

Canowindra Mens Shed

A place for meet to meet and establish new friendships while participating in individual and community activities and projects. An opportunity to develop new skills or...

0428 533 737, 02 6344 2025

Tilga St
Canowindra, NSW, 2804

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 236 km

Men's Shed Inc-Cudal and District

A place for retired men to be social and pursue hobbies, pastimes and interests while establishing new friendships, learning new skills or improving old ones. It is a...

0428 238 971

LOT 1A Boree street
Cudal, NSW, 2864

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 234 km

Cowra Mens Shed

A place where men can meet to have a chat, use handiwork talents and learn something new, while developing friendships. Activities include gardening and community...

03 6342 6553, 0415 876 552

10 Carlton St
Cowra, NSW, 2794

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 233 km

Narooma Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise, and participate in leisure and group activities for the benefit of the community and self development. It encourages men to use...

0409 740 423

41a Barker Pde
Narooma, NSW, 2546

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 239 km

Walcha Men's Shed Inc

A meeting place for men to drop in, have a chat and interact with other members while participating in activities such as woodwork, metalwork, furniture restoration, or...

02 8069 5179

172W Fitzroy Street
Walcha, NSW, 2354

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 269 km

Mens Shed Merimbula

A place for retired men to be social and pursue hobbies, pastimes and interests while establishing new friendships, learning new skills or improving old ones. It is a...

0403 553 745, 1300 550 009

Manna Park, 70 Red Hill Drive
Bournda, NSW, 2550

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 297 km

The Mens Shed Coonabarabran

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

02 6842 4402

28 Essex St
Coonabarabran, NSW, 2357

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 299 km

Kempsey Macleay Men's Shed Inc

A community based organisation for men and women to meet and participate in individual, group, and community activities while developing new friendships. There are a...

0431 420 172

330 Macleay Valley Way South
Kempsey, NSW, 2440

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 298 km

Tumut & District Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, make new friendships, have a chat and participate in activities such as woodworking, and socialsing. The aim is to improve the overall health...

0427 253 300

1 Yarra St
Tumut, NSW, 2720

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 306 km
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152 Total Results